Melexis Q1 2008 results

Intermediate declaration by the Board of Directors
Ieper, Belgium - April 23th, 2008, 07.00 hrs CET
- 4% increase in revenues for the first quarter 2008 compared to the same quarter of the previous year
- 3% increase in gross margin compared to the same quarter of the previous year.
Revenues for the first quarter were 52.3 million EUR, an increase of 4% compared to the same quarter of the previous year. Currency fluctuations had a negative impact of 5%.
Gross margin was 21.5 million EUR, an increase of 3% compared to the same quarter last year.
The operating result was at 10 million EUR, an increase of 1% compared to the same quarter of the previous year.
Net profit was at 8.4 million EUR, 20 cent per share, at the same level as the same quarter 2007.
R&D expenses were stable at 14% of sales. Selling increased to 3% of sales and G&A were stable at 5% of sales.
Melexis purchased 502.250 own shares during the quarter at an average price of 10,28 EUR. As a result, the total amount of purchased shares was 961.628 at the end of the quarter.
Rudi De Winter, CEO of Melexis comments:
“Despite the fact that the semiconductor market is mainly a global market where prices are typically negotiated in USD, we manage to improve our revenues expressed in EURO. Furthermore, we succeeded in improving our recurring operating costs in comparison to the previous quarter.”
Financial Calendar
• Release of H1-results on July 31st 2008.
• Release of Q3-results on October 23rd 2008
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