Melexis Q2 2008 results

Intermediate declaration by the Board of Directors
Ieper, Belgium - July 31th, 2008, 07.00 hrs CET
Revenues for the second quarter were 50.8 million EUR, at the same level compared to the same quarter of the previous year. With a stable USD rate, the growth was 8% compared to the same period last year.
Gross margin was 20.9 million EUR, a decrease of 1% compared to the same quarter last year.
The operating result was 9.4 million EUR, a decrease of 1% compared to the same quarter the previous year. With a stable USD rate, the operating margin was 10.7 million EUR, which represents 14% growth compared to the same period last year.
Net profit was 8.5 million EUR, 20 cent per share, at the same level as the same quarter 2007.
R&D expenses were stable at 15% of sales, Selling was 3% of sales and G&A were stable at 5% of sales.
Melexis purchased 891.300 own shares during the first half year 2008 at an average price of 10,52 EUR.
As a result the total amount of purchased shares was 1.349.678 on 30th June 2008.
Rudi De Winter, CEO of Melexis comments:
"The automotive industry has reached an inflection point in that the consumer is willing to pay extra for a
greener car. This creates opportunities for many of the Melexis sensors and actuator ICs that fit into those systems."
The Board of Directors decided to pay out an interim dividend of 0,6 EUR gross per share.
All holders of ordinary shares at the close of the trading hours of Euronext Brussels on Tuesday, October 28th, 2008 will be entitled to receive a gross dividend of 0,6 EUR per share (0,45 EUR net per share). The payment date will be Wednesday October 29th, 2008. The shares of the Company will be traded 'ex right' on Euronext Brussels as of the start of tradery.
Expectation for FY 2008
Based on the current USD rate, Melexis expects sales to be stable in 2008 as compared to 2007.
The half-year report 2008 will be available on our website as of August 31st, 2008.
Financial Calendar
• Release of Q3-results on October 23rd 2008
• Release of annual results on February 12th 2009
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