Melexis statement on COVID-19

Tessenderlo, Belgium, 19 March 2020 - Melexis has been closely monitoring and responding to the COVID-19 outbreak around the world and this since January. More than ever, the health and safety of our people and our other stakeholders are our foremost concern.
We have a Melexis COVID-19 taskforce in place who has been working intensely to plan for and react to the outbreak in a timely fashion. Specific measures - such as homeworking, social distancing and business continuity planning - are implemented in all facilities worldwide.
Due to the worsening situation of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe, and in compliance with governments and World Health Organization guidance, Melexis took the decision to temporarily suspend part of its operations with immediate effect.
Melexis has no visibility as of when it will be able to operate back under normal circumstances and cannot quantify at this moment the economic effects of COVID-19.